Category Archives: Future

“You Once Felt Gigantic”, New Ohio Review, Fall 2019, recent audio recording

You Once Felt Gigantic

“Babu Bangladesh!” by Numair Atif Choudhury

You should order this novel RIGHT NOW. It is BRILLIANT.

“Unwrapped”, from Fourteen Hills’ Zoom reading on May 28th, 2021

A huge thank you to Rachel Huefner and the rest of the editing team at Fourteen Hills (especially the poetry editors, Sen Ruiz and Trianne Harabedian) for a wonderful virtual reading last Friday for Issue 27, Summer 2021! The following is a link to my reading of “Unwrapped”, which can be heard from 33:22 to 35:30, and be sure to catch Olive Maurstad’s fantastic story “Last One” right after it 🙂